I’m a longtime RPG nerd who started with the D&D red box about a hundred thirty-five years ago. I’m an occasional player and often GM. I’m pretty rules-light and mostly about the story; I prefer to run games that are less about rolling dicing and more about getting into the heads of the characters, and I strongly believe if the game session sucks it’s probably the GMs fault for not reading something correctly or being a little too checked-out.
That being said, a great part of my enjoyment of all things Traveller is diving deep into some of the aspects and figuring “what if?” What are TL14 t-shirts like? What is it like to go through a border control checkpoint? If grizzled Scouts had a particular bag they loved, what would that bag be like? And so on. I’m more a nerd for cultures and tech than for the grognard-y activities like ship and world design. I like to blog and write long passages about tiny slivers of life in the Third Imperium.
Love. It.
I came to Traveller as a college undergrad, where a close friend of mine was a typist for GDW. Sometimes he got paid in extra copies instead of cash, so I accumulated a stack of MegaTraveller supplements on the cheap from his pile of doubles and triples. I loved the setting, and thought The Rebellion and collapse were amazing. It was my first non-D&D gaming system and it drew me in. I didn’t start running Traveller until GURPS, but since then I haven’t looked back.
My ideal gaming situation is a weekly game meeting on Tuesday or Wednesday evening for a few hours. I almost always put up a wiki to support my current game, and I love having a big, laminated map of the general campaign area.
I don’t have a Patreon; if you find some value in what I do, consider supporting my work by buying me a coffee.
My own Traveller line stats are as follow:
IMTU tg mgt+ ru ge- 3i+ c+ au+ ls- he+ so
OTU 22% cpu- fs- inf- n+ tv+ xb+
You can reach me at spenserps ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com or as Spenser TR on the Citizens of the Imperium boards.