At this moment right now, someone is searching on the web for a Traveller game in the Hawaiian islands, on Kauai.
This post is for you, Kauai-scifi-tabletop gamer. ^_^
I run a weekly Traveller game on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. We meet Tuesday evenings at Ha Coffee Bar in Lihue. If you’re just passing through or on vacation and ( for some bizarre reason ) you’re looking to watch some Traveller, you’re more than welcome. Message me at the email address below.
a bit about my game
I am currently using a mostly Mongoose 1st edition ruleset as a base, with tweaks from other versions. I love much about this version, though I don’t care for how Mongoose has pivoted with their 2nd edition, but that’s another post.
I’m a n not-so-crunchy Referee, meaning story, setting, and characters are much more fun for me than rolling through many tables and adhering zealously to the “rules as written.” I don’t ignore the rules; things have to make sense and we need a system to play and base things on, but I’ll change or overrule something in a flash if I think it doesn’t make sense. I am not so fond of min/maxing, but I give players a lot of latitude when creating their characters.
Combat is deadly; there is a chance your character could die.
I love the campaign and story arcs. I love enemies and allies, rivals and old friends who make appearances now and then. I want the group to have a sense of mission and purpose, something built in from the very beginning. Players should be cooperative; they can be iconic and a bit anti-social, but I have very little tolerance for “my character wouldn’t do that” gumming up the works, decreasing the fun, and taking away from moving things forward.
I have no problems at all letting the players have toys. I don’t do Monty Haul campaigns, but neither do I keep characters destitute or struggling. I feel like there are always ways of introducing drama, challenge, and hardship into a situation – the tired trope of “we’re desperate for any job to make the next mortgage payment” makes my eye glaze over and my teeth ache.
Players having setting knowledge is a good thing. I’m a big fan of the Third Imperium setting and while we don’t have to be very anal about it, how things work in Strephon’s Imperium is how they work in my game world, so read up.
I feel like we all contribute to the world; I want write ups of contacts and homeworlds, of places visited, and past deeds done. I keep a wiki up for each campaign a run, and we watch that grow as we go.
If you’re local, by some miracle found this post, and you’re looking to find out more drop me a line at spenserps -at- yahoo -dot- com.