In my Traveller universe, membership in the Travellers Aid Society is represented by a membership card or token. This item is small, validates itself at any number of official or Imperial touchpoints, and verifies the bearer as the one entitled to benefits. One can verify without the card, but it is a much more lengthy process, and such must be done at a TAS office.

The Travellers Aid Society
In my games, the TAS Helps remove barriers to travel and supports the travelling lifestyle. Personnel are known to be scrupulously honest, and they also work to guard the privacy of members and their information. The TAS office is typically located in the starport, in the startown, or in Imperial territory so it can most easily benefit from inter-world ties. Computer and information system access is typically high-end, and information at the TAS might be better and more current than most sources on-world, in anything other than a seriously influential planet. TAS members have first civilian “dibs” on public Scout communiques and most forms of inter-system mail at the TAS office. It’s well-known that your info flows through The System more quickly when submitted here, and out-system news and correspondence arrives at a TAS suspiciously fast.
Benefits of membership
A prime TAS benefit is hostel access, in the form of clean, secure rooms or capsules. Although no one would describe them as opulent, they are always clean, comfortable, and usually tastefully elegant, with hints of local themes when appropriate. Extensions of the lodging benefit are access to a lounge (where one is present) with various relaxing attributes and accommodations. TAS may also have partnerships arranged with local lounges or establishments where members are admitted. The TAS logo displayed in front of an establishment or the words “TAS recognized here” let members know they can expect accommodation and good service.
The TAS office is also a wealth of local information where concierge services to local activities and events may be accessed. This is above and beyond the resources every TAS office regarding the “lay of the land” in their particular location. The office also makes available various random local vouchers, tickets, adverts, to travellers interested in seeing the sights. Most TAS offices also maintain lists of locals interested in travelling “penpals” or even offering up “couchsurfing” for the price of some conversation about travels offworld. This interaction is of course at the Travellers’ own risk. Finally, it’s not unheard of that members can also get a quick lift to a local location, if staff and transportation is on hand.
The TAS office can usually also streamline any dealings with the local SPA, for visas, permits, or information valuable to travellers about any destination in the local jump radius.
Services and goods TAS can provide
- Get up-to-date news from TNS “premium” feed
- Receive and send personal or business mail
- Update your media – receive all your updates, subscriptions, and new visions to your movies, music, encyclopedias, public charts, and so on.
- Access digital or printed guides to the local world and subsector
- A (sophont, robotic, or persona-based) concierge can help with reservations, activities, shop, events, locating specialists, access various directories, or just giving local advice
- You can access the local “hit” list – recommended food, vehicle rental, repair vendors
- Some offices provide or sell “localkits,” small “loot boxes” with various local kit often tagged with advertising. Such boxes are put together by TAS staff with an eye towards light-heartedness, a bit of local color, and a few extra credits’ income.
- Language translation gear and skillsofts for any local languages
- Local map media
- local comms gear, if different than Imperial standard
- “Unofficial” Imperial Identification support, and liaison with SPA offices or local Imperial consulates in relevant matters.
- Some TAS offices have an unofficial supply of local “hooch” on hand. Availability and quality vary widely.
TAS Bank
The Travellers Aid Society also provides banking services for its members, accessible through the card and supported by sophont, robotic, or persona-based entity. Member’s can access their pensions here, as well as a secure cashpoint for IMperial and local currency. Mortgage, medical, other recurring payments can be made at the TAS office through “the Bank,” and you may change currency with (most) any type available in the jump radius.
A Traveller can make a quick loan against their ticket dividend, redeem tickets for local or Imperial value.
A traveller can also verify balances on linked accounts, and access funds on deposit (better info-transfer rates are available at TAS than many other sources, possibly excluding the big banks). The TAS bank also makes forward accounts available – a Traveller can send money forward before or shortly after you leave a place. This amount “goes” to your destination.